The tenth month is called Kanna-zuki under the old Japanese lunar calendar

(Posted on July 11, 2024)


It’s interesting to know that Kanna-zuki literally means the month of “no gods.” During this month, some say that gods get together in Izumo, which is part of Shimane prefecture facing the Sea of Japan. So, in Izumo they say the “month of gods” instead. But it’s now more commonly understood with the opposite meaning based upon the linguistic interpretation of the old word.  


Talking about Shimane prefecture, it is closely related to mythology such as the birth of Japan, stories of gods and so on. Izumo Shrine stands out in this respect. It’s revered by many of course, but perhaps is more so by young people. Do you know why? It’s because the shrine is also known for marriage.


Tourist attractions are aplenty including Matsue castle, the Iwami Silver Mine, a world heritage site, the beautiful garden of Adachi Museum and more. 

                                          Izumo Shrine  


                   Matsue castle (by KishujiRapid)


                                                   Adachi Museum


                        Matsue as seen from the Lake of Shinji




A person closely related to Matsue, the capital of Shimane prefecture, was


Lafcadio Hearn (1850-1904). A Greek-Irish writer, translator, and teacher who introduced the culture and literature of Japan to the West. Hearn first lived in Matsue, where he married a Japanese. Later on, Hearn became a Japanese citizen and died there. One of Hearn’s early books on Japan was entitled “Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan”, published in 1894. 


                                     Hearn and his wife, Setsu




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