Selected photos for 2021


























At a park in the neighborhood, northern Yokohama on February 2, 2021.



























In my garden on February 3, 2021



























Plum blossoms in the Jike countryside, northern Yokohama on February 4,




























Dolls for girls' day festival displayed at an old thatched roof house in the

Center Kita (north) area, northern Yokohama on March 3. 2021.



























Azaleas at Yakushi-ike park, Machida, Metropolitan Tokyo on April 15, 2021.


















Iconic Mt. Fuji (3,776 m high) in the background from Agatuma Park, Kanagawa prefecture on April 26, 2021.



























Carp streamers wishing for healthy growth of boys at an old thatched house

in the Center Kita (north) area, northern Yokohama on April 28, 2021.



























Hydrangeas at Shogaku-ji Buddhist temple in the Center Minami (south) area, northern Yokohama on May 31, 2021. 



























Soon after the rice planting in the Jike countryside, northern Yokohama on

June 14, 2021.



























After the rice harvest in the Jike countryside on September 15, 2021 



























This was the house of Matsunaga Yasuzaemon, an electric power tycoon,

located in Odawara, Kanagawa prefecture on September 28, 2021. The house

was donated to the local government and is open to the public. 



























Ocean liners resumed carrying passengers after the lifting of the state of emergency for Covid-19. This photo was taken at the International Passenger Terminal, The port of Yokohama on October 6, 2021.



























A park in the neighborhood on October 30, 2021.



























I visited the Hiratsuka Museum of Art, Kanagawa prefecture on November 9,

2021 to see the exhibition of Endo Akiko, a contemporary artist. This picture

was drawn on a large canvas of 193 x 259 cm.  



























From the footage of NHK, national TV station, entitled " Year to go, year to come"

from 23:45 to 00:15 on December 31, 2021.


This shows snow-clad Kiyomizu- Dera, a Buddhist temple in Kyoto, the ancient capital

of Japan.  The temple is one of the historic buildings in Kyoto designated as a world

heritage site. The temple was rebuilt in the 17th Century. 



























Also from the same footage on December 31, 2021.


This is Shimukappu, a ski resort in Hokkaido, northern island. Fireworks sprung up as

the clock struck midnight. The temperature happened to be a whopping minus 13

degrees Celsius.   





Facts about Yokohama

Kohoku New Town

Jike countryside

A talk with Steve

Selected photos

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