Selected photos for 2022


























Snow in my neighborhood in northern Yokohama on January 7, 2022. 



























Plum blossoms in northern Yokohama on February 24, 2022.



























Traditional dolls and decorations for a girls' day festival in Kohoku new town, northern Yokohama, on February 25, 2022.



























Iconic cherry blossoms and a miniature-sized Mt. Fuji in the background in northern Yokohama on April 2, 2022. 



























The Minato Mirai area, Yokohama, and the International Passenger Terminal

in the background on April 19, 2022.



























Preparing for the rice planting in the Jike countryside, northern Yokohama

on May 24, 2022.



























Beautiful Hydrangeas and irises at Shogakuji, a Buddhist temple in Center

Minami (south), northern Yokohama on June 7, 2022.



























The replica of Italy's SVA 9 bi-plane that flew from Rome to Tokyo in 1920.

It is displayed at an air museum located at the Hamamatsu airbase, the Japan

Air Self Defense Force. This photo was taken on June 29, 2022.



























A castle located in Kakegawa, Shizuoka prefecture on June 30, 2022.


























Nebuta festival, Aomori prefecture on August 2. 2022. It’s a festival of

large dummy floats, which are made of huge paper dolls over wire frames and lit as shown.



























Motomachi, a fashionable shopping area near the Yokohama sea port on

October 18, 2022.



























A park in the neighborhood, northern Yokohama on November 14, 2022. 



























The Minato Mirai area, Yokohama as seen from the International Passenger Terminal on December 10, 2022.





Facts about Yokohama

Kohoku New Town

Jike countryside

A talk with Steve

Selected photos

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