Selected photos for 2023













The image of the Kannon Bosatsu, the Goddess of Mercy from Daian-ji, a Buddhist temple in Nara.

This wooden image dates back to the 8th Century Nara

period. There was an

exhibition of Buddhist images at the Tokyo National Museum. The photo was taken on January 9, 2023. 



























A community evacuation exercise on February 25, 2023. This is an emergency water supply system for our community. It is located at a local primary school utilizing an underground water tank of 50 cubic meters capacity.



























Dolls for the girls' day festival, which falls on March 3 ever year.  This photo

was taken at an old thatched house in Center Kita (north). 


Iconic cherry blossoms and tulips in my neighborhood northern Yokohama on March 29, 2023.



























The Jike countryside, northern Yokohama on April 5, 2023.


Beautiful flowers in the Minato Mirai district, Yokohama on April 10, 2023.

















A view of the Shinjyuku area from an observation rooftop in Shibuya on April 29, 2023.



























The National Stadium, Tokyo on May 1, 2023. This was the main venue for

the 2020 Tokyo Olympics.


Flying carp streamers wishing for the healthy growth of boys at an old thatched house in the Center Kita (north) area, northern Yokohama on May 2, 2023.



























Preparing for rice planting at the Jike countryside, northern Yokohama on

June 7, 2023.


















Flower picking girls at Yakusi-ike park,Machida, 

Metropolitan Tokyo on June 13, 2023.


























A local summer festival in northern Yokohama on August 19, 2023. It was

held after a four year interval due to Covid 19. 



























Mount Fuji from Mount Katsuragi in the Izu area on November 13, 2023. Unfortunately, the summit of Mount Fuji was covered in clouds. 


The exhibition of the 120th anniversary of Munakata Shiko (1903-1975), an iconic woodblock artist at the National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo. The photos were taken on November 19, 2023. 


From the international passenger terminal (except the photo on the right) , Yokohama on December 12, 2023.



























Christmas in Aoyama, Tokyo on December 17, 2023.





Facts about Yokohama

Kohoku New Town

Jike countryside

A talk with Steve

Selected photos

The Philippines

The Middle East

By Fabienkhan

Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)

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go to .....

The Information Technology Engineers Examination (ITEE)

What is it? For more information, go to ....