The fresh green scenery in northern Yokohama

In the Center Minami (south) area, Northern Yokohama on Saturday afternoon, May 17, 2014


When I visited Yakushi-ike park in Machida, Tokyo on May 10, 2014, I noticed that the azalea and wisteria blossoms had started fading; you'll need to wait for the water irises which are expected to bloom in June.   


On a pleasant Saturday morning, May 3, 2014, I took these photos of azaleas in the Center Minami (South) area, northern Yokohama.


Beautiful white, pink and red azaleas as well as purple wisterias stand out amongst the verdue surroundings.  I took these photos along footpaths in the Kohoku new town area, northern Yokohama, on April 24, 2014.   


On April 19, 2014 in the Center Kita (north) area, northern Yokohama

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Kohoku New Town

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